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Wonders of the Universe

16 February 2024

For term 2 2023/24, our students immersed themselves in the evolution of our cosmos before humans appeared on Earth.

Students learned about stars, the solar system, galaxies, the sun, and Earth's early development through an engaging narrative conveyed via art, writing, and the scientific ‘nature of things’.

Real feedback

Feedback is everything at REAL School. The children's final performance was night and day from their first rehearsal in front of their schoolmates. This is why Re-do is such a key phase in our Dream to Reality process.

international school budapest projec-based learning dream to reality

Real meteorite

Throughout the project, besides conducting science experiments and crafting celestial events timelines, the children also visited an observatory. They gazed at the Sun and even touched a real meteorite!

How Art, Literacy and Science are weaved into our project

To encapsulate the essential aspects of this project, learners have crafted a timeline in the form of a concertina book in which artwork and written pieces narrate a story. Key vocabulary terms have been identified and integrated. You will find between the pages:

  • The story from the Big Bang to the formation of the Earth

  • Magic Milk paper marbling and collage

  • Star constellation embroidery

  • The Milky way pastel art

Sprinkled around the exhibition are art extensions including formation of a star artworks, and solar system models made out of three different kinds of materials.

Our Science focus and discussions have been about states of matter, particle attraction, and gravity, thus integrating scientific concepts with our cosmic exploration.

project-based learning wonders of the universe international school budapest science

The children have wrapped up their wonders of the universe chapter, "but how life comes to Earth - that's a whole another story."

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