Term 1/a - 2020–2021
Project Overview
Recording ideas, thoughts, feelings, memories are an important part of the learning journey. The habit of journaling is not only great for capturing moments, it is a tool to guide and help thinking. The final product of this project was a personalised journal created by each student.
Learning Goals
I can:
Imagine and create a cover for my journal that will really make it personal.
Record my experiences, my learning to communicate what’s in my mind.
Use my journal daily, love it and take care of it.
The Process
1. Dream: Personalise your journal! Design a beautiful cover for your book. Choose the colour, paint it, draw on it, put stickers if you want. Make it your own!
2. Plan-Create: Play! Let’s explore different types of papers, pens, pencils and experiment with them. + Feedback session
3. Re-Do: Use your journal every day!
– Sketch your logo in it.
– Take it to the excursions to trace shadows, paint with dirt, press flowers.
– Write your memories, stories, feelings and illustrate them.
4. Share: Document it! Make sure to take good quality photos of the pages.
5. Love it and take good care of it! :)
Check out all the journal designs in REAL School's first half-term booklet.