Our response to
While we all stay home, REAL School learners continue their education from a distance. We realise it is a different experience, and as such, we are not trying to replicate face-to-face education. We call it "distance learning", and purposefully so, as opposed to "online" or "virtual" learning. Rather than making students sit in front of their screens all day, we encourage them to take advantage of their current surroundings, get offline and be creative locally while providing them with guidance to efficiently share their work online for feedback from the community. We are also actively experimenting with ways to keep a sense of community during these challenging times.
We believe that this unique situation will fast track us to much more self-directed learning, and will give us more time to work on real-life projects. To learn more about our approach, check out our Distance Learning Plan below.
changing ROLES
The roles of all stakeholders are quite different in a distance learning situation, especially at the time of a crisis, compared to regular school days. We created some simple graphics to keep us all on the same page. Feel free to print them and stick them on your walls as a kind reminder.
some Useful links
Local information
Hungarian Government Coronavirus Website
Here you can follow the latest updates and official numbers of cases of Coronavirus in Hungary
[in Hungarian] -
National Health Center of Hungary
They also have a section in English about the Coronavirus
Wondering how to help others?
Good After COVID
This initiative aims to convince governments that the money they'll pour into revitalising their economies should be poured into green initiatives. -
To help those who can no longer afford groceries, you could donate money to food banks -
Give your 1% to connected non-profits
It's time to decide about your income tax's 1% in Hungary, consider giving it to a charity helping organisations and families affected by COVID-19 -
Bike Maffia is collecting donations of vitamins for the elderly.
And most importantly
stay home & stay safe!