Term 1/a - 2020–2021
Project Overview
In Term 1/a, REAL School learners aged 9-12 were preparing for a pretty exciting adventure. They organised an overnight camp, with a meal plan, activity plan, and risk assessment that all students had been involved in. It is the tribe, the camp, and the cHow do we become a tribe, living among our tribehildren's input that made this project the best gosh darn two days they could plan for. Read more about the related learning goals and the whole process below.

Learning Goals
I can:
Feed the Tribe – Plan and cook a meal for many people
Build Empathy and Care – Consider everybody’s dietary needs
Entertain the Tribe – Plan and run an activity that binds us together
Consider a Healthy Body and a Healthy Mind – choose the right activities
Share Resources – Work within a budget.
Tell the Tribe’s Story – Present some of our key artifacts at he Learning Expo.

The Process
1. Dream: Take time to imagine what you would love to eat at camp, what you would love to do at camp, and how we can make the most of two days in a rural guesthouse.
2. Plan: Create a schedule for the days, plan our recipes and ingredient list, consider the tools we need, make packing lists, create a risk assessment for the camp.
3. Create: Test our recipes out, go grocery shopping for ingredients, carry out our activities at the camp, cook food for our tribe.
4. ReDo: Revise and edit recipes, get expert advice on how to improve our recipes (taste wise and sustainability wise), follow a project tuning process for feedback from peers.
5. Share: Exposing our food to others, discussing how to improve activities, presenting our planning book at the expo, creating a slideshow and soundbites of memorable moments.
Check out REAL School's first half-term booklet, which further details about the camp planning process and other projects the children worked on during Term 1/a.