dream to reality foundation for sustainability
Scholarships and social causes
Dream to Reality Foundation for Sustainability is set up to provide scholarships and to fund sustainability initiatives related to REAL School.
REAL School Budapest is a fully accredited, independent, not-for-profit international school that educates for sustainability, primarily through real-life, entrepreneurial learning. Our mission is to raise a new generation who can dream and build a beautiful, equitable and sustainable world for themselves and for all living beings.

Emergency response
A safe haven for Ukrainian children
There is a war being fought next door. Hungary has a border with Ukraine and is presently – after Poland – the second largest destination country for refugees. Many displaced families plan to make Hungary their new home – at least for a while. The number of requests from families from Ukraine wishing to enrol their children with REAL School Budapest is overwhelming.
Our insights
We’ve met with about a hundred displaced families in the last 3 weeks. Our key insight is that while most of the support efforts - rightfully so - concentrate on the immediate needs of refugees, soon will come a time where sustainable schooling and socialising (in addition to jobs and long-term housing) will become the key need for displaced families.
Once short term energy and excitement runs out, there is a risk that refugee and displaced children will be left without an opportunity that can bring a degree of normality into their lives.
This is why we focus on the midterm solutions that can create stability and community for these children.
We also have a rare opportunity: we might well be able to educate a generation who will rebuild Ukraine with an entrepreneurial skill set, and with sustainability and social justice at their hearts.

Our initiatives
full time education

For those children who are likely to stay in Hungary for at least a year or two, the best option is to get integrated into a school community as quickly as possible. This means full time education.
These children have the opportunity to grow-up as real change-makers when they return to Ukraine. They can rebuild their country with an entrepreneurial skill set and green and socially just approach. Learn more about our learning approach.
Unfortunately, the number of places that we can offer is limited. But we are working on partnerships and fundraising to expand our capacity.
saturday school

We co-host a Saturday school for displaced Ukrainian families with the Ukrainian Association “Unity”. Children will have fun, interactive activities; and adults can join a beginner Hungarian lesson and Q&A about Budapest. Programmes in development: sustainability and entrepreneurship.
Our first co-hosted Saturday school served over 90 children and 70 adults.
weekly excursion

This provides Ukrainian children an opportunity for not only social connection, but also the healing connection to nature, and the introduction to a new country, a new city. They will join our excursions every Wednesday by meeting up at a pre-announced main transportation hub, then heading out to the destination together with REAL School children.
Ukrainian staff will be on hand to provide communication and safeguarding support.
online education

We have partnered up with Century Tech whose CEO, Priya Lakhani, has already given all refugee students free access.
We are combining this AI-driven learning platform with REAL School educator mentorship to ensure students get support, build confidence and ultimately fully re-engage with learning.
We are also linking up with a number of other organisations with specialised expertise, such as online project-based learning expertise, and an art for peace initiative, to help create a holistic learning experience for displaced children.
afternoon provision

Every weekday afternoon REAL School will open its doors to Ukrainian children. Based on our insights and mission, our offer will have three main parts:
Social connections among Ukrainian children and the international REAL School community
Learning English, entrepreneurship and sustainability
Fun enrichment and cultural activities, including history of Ukraine or Ukrainian music
These will be made possible by keeping the school open until 6 pm and by employing Ukrainian educators.

The need for your help
As a young and growing non-profit school that does not receive financial support from the government, we are dependent on tuition and grants. We want to provide the above at no cost to displaced families. Therefore, we would like to ask you for your philanthropic help.
We would be happy to jump on a call and go deeper with you. Please check out resources below for more information on the school, its philosophy and programme.
TEDx Talk by founder Barna Barath
A 2-minute peek into a learning expo at REAL School
Contributions are managed and made transparent by the non-profit “Dream to Reality Foundation for Sustainability”, the foundation set up to provide scholarships and to fund sustainability initiatives related to REAL School. Bank account details are below.
Thank you,
Barna Barath, Viktoria Szemeredy and Johannes Weber (REAL School Founders and Board)
Dream to Reality Foundation for Sustainability
Legal information

Account details