Creating Didgeridoos

Project overview

This project was motivated by a visit of a guest who is a master didgeridoo player. We all loved the sound it makes, so together we decided to create our very own set of these traditional Australian instruments. To throw our own spin on it, we did it all using our own paper waste! Thus it becoming an upcycling project too, not just an artistic endeavour.

Project goals

  • Raise cultural awareness by introducing students to Australian aboriginal culture and music

  • Discuss paper waste (and waste in general) and what we can do about it

  • Learn how to channel our creativity sustainably

  • And of course, to have some fun!


Teams of learners created 4 uniquely decorated didgeridoos using toilet paper rolls and paper mache techniques. Students gathered inspiration from aboriginal patterns and art to decorate their instruments. Our guest also taught them the proper rhythm and technique to play the instruments. The kids kept practising for weeks.

Skills developed

  • Creative thinking: what materials are appropriate to recycle to create our desired outcomes

  • Using the paper mache technique

  • Painting Australian aboriginal patterns

  • Expressing ourselves musically

  • Cultural awareness

Student voice

“I liked that we didn’t use wood, we used toilet paper rolls instead and that made it funny. First I didn’t expect that it was going to work but then it was amazing to see it actually working and making a sound. I love the sound and the shape of the original instrument and I was super happy that ours came pretty close to it!”

- Oli, 11